Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Acts 2

How do normal people speak in languages they've never learned?
How does a group of men, who are increasingly becomming know for hiding, suddenly take to the streats and begin sharing a dangerous message in public?
How do the pleadings of one man lead to 3000 people accepting Christ and being baptized?
What draws a group together; has them giving to those in need by selling their stuff; inspires awe among them; displays miraculous signs a wonders; and draws more and more to Jesus Daily?
The Holy Spirit!
There is nothing normal about what is going on in this is simply amazing! Jesus had told this group of 120 that they were to wait, so they waited together and prayed together. Friends, the Holy Spirit is alive in the church, but I wonder if we miss him, or if we don't get to experience him as often, or as powerful as we could because we are not waiting on the Spirit together. I noticed that even after this one day event, the group stayed together (daily), and the Lord added to their number (daily). In the first 2 chapters of this book, a lot is happening because they are sticking together and praying together and eating together and praising together and doing it all for Christ. And because they are, the Holy Spirit has found a home where he can do really powerful stuff. Yet I look arround and see christians doing stuff alone, grumbling among themselves, teaching separation between denominations and churches, and generally not being very impressive. I wonder, what would happen if we could get together? I wonder, what would happen if we did so, believing the Spirit would show up and rock the joint? What could the Holy Spirit do with the 120 I hang out with?

1 comment:

  1. Rob...I like your focus for this chapter. When we talk about the Holy Spirit, its often at a personal level as we refer to the working of the Holy Spirit within ourselves. It kinda exciting to think what would happen when the Holy Spirit takes over a whole church. I would love to see that happen!
