This court case is crazy. And the result of it is that Felix does nothing except keep Paul in jail (with some freedom) for 2 years. But in that time something wierd happens. Felix decides to listen to Paul's message. Now, the reason for the time together is because he wants a bribe, but the message he hears scares him. What is wierd is that Felix is so shaken by the message, but when he gets shaken, he stops everything and starts again later (because he still wants a bribe).
Can we ignore such a call? Aparently we can. Can we ignore the drawing of the Holy Spirit; the shaking of our soul? I guess so. What I whitness here is two extreems: a ruler who can't give up his comforts and greed to follow Jesus, and a man who went willing into the middle of trouble because he can't possibly keep from following Jesus. It reminds me of what Jim Elliot said, "He is no fool who give what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Paul is in jail, but has eternity in his hold. Felix grasps for money, which he never gets, ignoring an eternal reward.
I hope I have the wisdom to recognize the shaking of my spirit; to embrace the fear of God, and be bold like Paul...not selfish like Felix.
The thing that is impressing me in this chapter (and in prev chapters) is Paul's demeanor.....what an example to follow! He's being attacked by the Jewish leaders at a personal level(they want his life no less!), yet he responds to each of their points in a logical and calm manor. It is so easy when attacked or accused by someone to retaliate in kind with attacks against the accuser. But at no time does Paul come out and say they are jealous, power seeking leaders that would lie, and fabricate charges to ensure their continued power. Paul does not take this personally, because he is so focused on God and spreading Gods message. It makes me wonder what I could do if my focus was on spreading God's message of grace rather than worrying about things that affect me personally.