Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Acts 16

What I like about the book of Acts is that it just keeps going; lots of exciting stuff!

I like how Paul really knows where he wants to go next: Asia. However, the Spirit keeps not letting him go. Finally he has a vision about someplace different and he goes there instead. It makes me wonder how often we go where we want, and not where God wants. Remember, Paul is really in tune with the Spirit, and I keep questioning how in tune we are. Al the stuff we do...I wonder if it is really where God would have us go?

I was struck by the story of the girl who could predict the future. She is right when she speaks, and the Bible speaks of her as having a very real spirit that speaks truthful things, yet the spirit is driven from her. Too many Christians still think it is okay to dabble in such things. The Bible says it is real, and it is not okay. And ultimately, this girl, like very fortune teller I've ever seen, is used for profit. This is not a good thing, and it is a good reminder considering the situation surrounding our small town.

Finally, the scene in the jail is cool. I like how Paul and Silas sing songs after being beaten and jailed, then are freed from their chains but stay put as a witness to those arround them. These two opt for difficult things so they can share the gospel over easy things so they can save their own skin.

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